• The "Be the Expression" Interview Series was launched by Margarit Brigham to help empower humanity through conscious storytelling. In this episode we talk about the magic of reclaiming your voice. 

  • You either walk inside your story and own it, or you stand outside your story and hustle for your self-worthiness.

    Brené Brown

  • Margarit asked me to share with you some simple yet powerful coaching tips for easing the fear of speaking in front of an audience, whether in a room full of people or on camera.  How can we feel confident and free speaking while telling our personal stories? 

    So I decided to share with you a tool that I use in my Voice Yoga Sessions that I coach online and at my School of Voice in Berlin. 

    Sometimes the courage that you lack is simply NOT emotional or psychological. Yes, the emotional wounds may have closed down your throat, as a protection measure for your precious heart, but truth be if we learn to relax the neck and throat, pathways can be created and speaking becomes as natural and free as when you were a child. 

    It is my vision at the new School of Voice to empower humanity to speak, write, sing and have courage. Each one of us has a calling and is here with a purpose.

    In this time of transition, we must empower and raise the voices of the healers, the artists, and all the kind hardworking people who have integrity, endurance and are working for world peace and environmental causes. 

    Too much of our airwaves is taken by corporate interests that are seldom in the interest of Humanity.

  • “What happens when people open their hearts?"
    "They get better.”

    Haruki Murakami,

  • Margarit's vision is to help the world heal through conscious storytelling. In her own words, "We long to see ourselves as the heroes, instead of the victims.We long to have a voice in our lives, and how the culture sees us. It’s about accessing one’s self-power, joining with the sisterhood, and seeing what we can create together.

    With this in mind, I decided to tell a story in this interview that I have rarely shared publically.  It is the story behind my song Searching of an Angel. It was my very personal healing journey after having a miscarriage. 

    In those dark months, songwriting literally saved my life.  I hope that through sharing, other women or partners of women will find comfort and healing. Enjoy the interview and if you would like to receive info on the upcoming songwriting and voice programs, sign up for the newsletter. 

  • So, my lovely ones - how do YOU lean into love? 
    Embrace the journey of singing and speaking your truth and allowing that big passionate heart of yours to share her wisdom with our world. Be magic!